Dec 5, 2022
Little Lego Loki, Wizard Rock and more stories from The Blibbering Humdingers and Hawthorn and Holly.
This is Pub Songs & Stories show #261.
0:13 - “A Man's A Man For A' That” from Scottish Songs of Drinking & Rebellion
I am Marc Gunn. This is the audio liner notes for the...
Nov 14, 2022
Why do cats knock stuff off tables? I think I figured out the answer. I share it with my story and song about the Mingulay Cat Song.
It’s Pub Songs & Stories #260.
Marc Gunn "There Are No Pubs in Kirkintilloch" from Scottish Songs of Drinking & Rebellion
I am Marc Gunn. This is the...
Oct 24, 2022
A Celtic Halloween ghost story. Can Death stop Johnny from grabbing a drink after a hard day at work?
It’s Pub Songs & Stories #259.
0:10 - “Black Velvet Band lyrics” by Marc Gunn from The Bridge
I am Marc Gunn. This is the audio liner notes for the songs I play.
The show is brought...
Oct 3, 2022
Where are we going on the next Celtic Invasion Vacation? Listen and also enjoy some music related to the invasion. Plus, you’ll learn what you can expect to experience when you join an invasion.
It’s Pub Songs & Stories #258
I am Marc Gunn. This is the audio liner notes for the songs...
Sep 5, 2022
West Side Story meets the TV show Firefly. We’re digging into fake gallantry, a duel with swords, and fighting back against those who feel the need to control others.
It’s all on Pub Songs & Stories #257.
I am Marc Gunn. This is the audio liner notes for the songs I record and...