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Folk Songs & Stories shares the heart of indie Celtic and folk music. Host Marc Gunn uncovers the stories behind songs and offers tips for sustainable living—perfect for fans of authentic, grassroots tales. All songs are used with permission of the artists and copyright holders. 

Sep 27, 2010

It's been a busy week as I dive back into the Social Media promotion. It raises many memories about my times on when the Brobdingnagian Bards first hit it big. And don't forget to listen into the two contests that make their appearance in this week's show.


New: Irish & Celtic Music Podcast iPhone...

Sep 20, 2010

I recorded a live Pub Songs Podcast panel at DragonCon. But this was not your typical live show. This time, I got together with the Bedlam Bards and we sang songs for Firefly. Our goal is to release a live Firefly Drinking Songs CD using some of this live recording. Today's show is the uncut version of us singing our...

Sep 10, 2010

This week, I'm gonna tell you just how awesome DragonCon was. You're gonna wish you were there. But that's not all.

I also got a cool email about little girl who heard "Molly Malone" from the cat's perspective. It leads me into a few questions about that very topic. Plus, I want your feedback on the iMixes, and lots...