Jul 26, 2010
I just drove in from Austin an hour ago, and I don't have time to put together a full show. So instead, I decided to keep it short and feature some of my thoughts from the road based on Seth Godin's new book, Linchpin. I didn't get to talk about all the news, so please read the shownotes below. Oh! And don't forget...
Jul 19, 2010
I had an awesome show on Saturday in Florida and it got my internal geek all excited that GenCon and DragonCon are fast approaching. There's a lot more to do than I really have the ability to accomplish too. I have shows to update, new songs to record, iMixes to promote, articles to write, bands to help out, and...
Jul 13, 2010
I had a busy week of promotion with a couple big projects like the Celtic Women special on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast and the Drinking Game on the Renaissance Festival Podcast. Add to that the Kilted For Her Pleasure arrived on my doorstep, and I'm psyched. A brand new CD to suit the Celtic comedy fans...
Jul 6, 2010
I just got back from a killer show at InConJunction. So this week's show starts off talking about the exciting time I had in Indianapolis. There I got to see Tom Smith, the World's Fastest Filker, perform. That got me thinking that I need to do a special feature on the music of Science Fiction Conventions. So this...