Mar 30, 2010
In today's show, I talk about a new phrase I'm associating with my name now--"The Godfather of Celtic Music Online". Someone used that phrase to describe me a while back and I loved it so much I've adopted.
We also have the return of the iPod shuffle. Next time, be prepared to hear about this summer's Celtic Invasion...
Mar 23, 2010
I had so much fun doing my St. Patrick's Day iPod Shuffle, that I think it might be regular feature. I'll still have more stuff going on in each show. I hope to limit them to about 30 minutes each. But a regular iPod shuffle is pretty easy to do.
Today's show announces my return to Sherwood and Guest of Honor I-Con, my...
Mar 11, 2010
I was driving back from Sherwood Forest Faire listening to my iPod when I had this cool idea. An iPod Shuffle of the Pub Songs Podcast. I hit play and see what songs come up. Then I play them in the show. I found some cool songs I haven't listened to in the process. I might have to do this again.
Mar 9, 2010
The last couple o'weekends, I performed at the Sherwood Forest Faire just outside of Austin, Texas. Sunday morning, I pulled the entertainment director aside and asked him to tell me a little bit about the faire. He laid it all out!